Egg Donation – Tips to ensure you get the best eggs

22 Dec

Egg Donation Europe

With the IVF techniques now gaining popularity, infertile couples have a new reason to smile. The egg donation process allows infertile couples to get pregnant. While not many people know, egg donation is the process in which a women donates her unfertilized eggs (oocyt) to the needy couples. These eggs are used in the vitro fertilization process. The donated eggs help couples in conceiving a child, particularly when the prospective mother is incapable of providing eggs for fertilization.

Considerations before opting for egg donation

When opting for egg donation Europe, it is important to select the perfect donor. Ideally, one should look for an egg donor having similar characteristics as that of the intended parents, like hair color, body type, eye color and ethnicity.

How to select and egg donation clinic?

There are a lot of egg donation clinics in Europe. However, you need to look for the one that is known for offering highest quality eggs. One should ensure that the donated eggs are healthy and free from any type of genetic abnormalities. The below mentioned points can help you in choosing the right egg donation clinic.

Proper Cryopreservation –

As far as possible, it will be wise to look for fertility centres that undergo vitrification process to cryopreserve their oocytes. It is a cooling process that ensures the survival rate of each donated egg is 98%.

Access to large donor pool –

Some egg donation clinics in Europe give you an option to select specific egg depending on donor profiles. You also get an access to details like age, race, education, etc. of the egg donor. In most cases, the egg donation clinic also has the photos of donors, right from their childhood to adulthood.

Proper screening –

The egg donation clinic you opt for, should always screen the recipients to look for abnormalities or conditions. This will greatly help to ensure that you receive the best quality eggs from the egg donors. Thus, you also have great possibilities of having a healthy baby.

Adhere to FDA regulations –

Most respected and recognized fertility centres follow the guidelines of the US Food and Drug Administration and Department of Health. So, before you select a fertility clinic, do remember to check whether or not, it adheres to the rules and regulations set by the FDA.

Keeping the above things in mind, you can easily look for the best Egg Donation Clinic in Europe. It will also increase the odds of having a healthy baby.


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