The Reason Why Sperm Donation is Still On Top of the Infertility Solutions List

17 Feb
The Reason Why Sperm Donation is Still On Top of the Infertility Solutions List

The Reason Why Sperm Donation is Still On Top of the Infertility Solutions List

Highly regarded worldwide as one of the most accepted forms of infertility solutions, sperm donation has been proven time and again as a safe and reliable option to struggling couples finding it difficult to conceive a child. Along with other forms of assisted conception alternatives like surrogacy, intrauterine insemination and gamete intrafallopian transfer, it is seen as a very viable choice for couples who are having recurring pregnancy issues.

However, unlike egg and embryo donation that mostly focus on a woman’s inability to naturally produce healthy ova or oocytes for fertilization due to various physiological and health issues, semen donation primarily centers on male factor infertility. This means a man is suffering from low sperm count, poor motility or abnormal morphology of sperm that makes it very difficult or impossible for a woman to conceive regardless of how high the quality of her eggs are.

At its simplest, sperm donation is the process in which a man donates his semen to a recipient with the intention that it will be used to achieve a pregnancy. Depending on the guidelines that a fertility center follows, the woman aspiring to conceive a baby isn’t usually a sexual partner of the donor and may not even have an idea of his identity, other than the background information provided during the selection process.

The successful selection of a sperm donor greatly depends on the health and virility of a candidate. A fertility center may sometimes include additional criteria to make the sperm donation process even more feasible to match the recipient couple’s qualifications like intelligence, hair color, occupation, hobbies, eye color and whether or not the potential donor has a certain affinity for pets or plants.

Most assisted conception facilities procure sperm cells from males in their reproductive prime – commonly between the ages of 18 and 40 – to ensure a very large margin of success for whatever infertility treatment they will be used for in the long run. Interestingly, donated sperm can be utilized in a number of advanced infertility treatments nowadays, such as in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Nonetheless, before semen from an individual is even analyzed for possible use, it is first comprehensively screened for a number of key factors.

fertility center usually doesn’t accept sperm donations from men who have a history of certain genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia, intravenous drug users, adult males who actively have sexual intercourse with other men and those who have recently suffered from hepatitis or found to be HIV-positive. Another critical semen donation requirement involves testing the sperm for longevity in freezing and thawing. This is because sperm cells are cryogenically preserved in liquid nitrogen at -321 degrees Fahrenheit until they are used for an infertility treatment.

Safety, both for the donor and the recipient couple, is the number one priority in the sperm donation process and this is why it is still one of the most well-known infertility solutions across the globe. Combined with an impressive 43 percent success rate, it’s no wonder why semen donation is still making waves as a viable infertility alternative for couples wanting to have a child of their own up until now.


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